Christmas is a
celebration in honor of the [physical] birth of Jesus Christ. Recall that Jesus
Christ has been in existence before even the creation of the world. And
God said let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness: and let them
have dominion over,,,,,,,,
(Genesis 1:26). In this verse 26, God the father here is referring to God the
son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Ghost. Remember also that in John 1:1,, In the
beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. All
things were made by him,,,,, in him was life; and the life was the light of
men. Verse 14 says, and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us,,,,
Galatians 6:3, "For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."
Jesus Christ is
the author and father of humility (Philippians 2: 5- 8) "let this mind be in you which was also in
Christ Jesus Who, being in the form of
God, ,,,,,made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a
servant, ,,,,he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross.'' ,,,,,,,,,. On the other hand devil is author and father of Pride (Isa.
14:12-14). “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
morning!..… For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I
will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount … I
will ascend above the heights…I will be like the most High”.
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Humility equals
greatness, the fastest road to greatness is humility. Many like me believes
that pride is a sin associated with public bragging to seeing oneself better
than others. Little did I know that arrogance goes beyond public bragging, so I
was thinking am very humble and devoid of pride, until I understand what it
take to be humble. Humility sees ones not in any way better than others,
humility sees others weakness as part of life as no man without weakness.
Humility goes beyond gentleness.
There was a very powerful
king lived in the largest kingdom ever known with many servants. This King has
only one child who he loved so much and cared for dearly. The king also has a dog
which he also loved dearly, unfortunately for the king, the dog was deceived by
an enemy to join the company of wild wolves against the wish of the king and
the son.
Believer's are in a
warfare against the devil and his demons. The earlier we realize this and put
on these weapons the better our chances of winning the heavenly race is sure and
guaranteed. The bible admonishes the believer's to put on the whole armor of God in
order to withstand the wiles of the devil.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in
the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be
able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of
God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand.
Having girded your waist with truth, having put on the
breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the
preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith
with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked
one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit,
which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in
the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance
and supplication for all the saints{ Ephesians 6:10-18}.
An understanding that whatever negative character anyone
around us displayed is influenced by the devil, will help us in the fight
against the devil. Notice verse 11 says, For we do not wrestle against flesh
and blood; our fight is not against the human being we are seeing but rather
the spirit behind their actions. When Peter try to rebuke Jesus about his death
on the cross , Jesus immediately rebuke the devil in Peter and not Peter, He
said get behind me devil, this tells us that our war is not flesh and blood.
The illustrates the forces we are fighting as summarized below;
The question is does
being a Christian immune someone from sickness? Does sin leads to sickness? Can
God heal all type of sickness? If God can heal all type of sickness; why do
some Christian die in sickness?
Sickness is one thing
that no one ever wish to experience in life, ironically, it is one thing that
no one will escape as far as this life is concerned. Being a Christian does not
mean we can't sick. It will come, but how you handle it determines whether it
will stay or go immediately. Yes! sickness attacked everyone but it does not
stay in everybody, so stop welcoming sickness by your behavior. God perfect
plan for man at creation was that we shall not know any form of corruption, but
with the fall of Adam man knew corruption that has bedridden us till date.
So long you are still
on earth, you will sick when the enemy attack your health, but the good news is
that God is able to heal you and will heal you if you believe. God is still in
the business of restoring health to men (Jeremiah 30:17). In fact one of the
best way to preach the gospel and to draw men back to God is in the healing
ministry. In fact Jesus ministry and the apostle were dominated by healing from
sickness (healing of the blinds, lame, fever, raising the death etc.( (Matthew
8:13; 9:29; 15:28; Act 3: 5-7; 5:1656).
Jesus Christ left his
very throne to die a shameful death on the cross to redeem us from the bondage
of sin. ,,,,In that while we are yet sinner, Christ died for us {Rom.
5:8}. Sin is one factor that have
hindered many Christian from enjoying mutual relationship with God here on
earth, leading to loss of glory, hinders God’s work and blessing in their life,
and ultimately leading to both spiritual death (Rom. 3:23) and eternal
The issue
is that many believers is aware of their sin, the consequences of their sin,
and are ever willing to be free from it but often lack ability to overcome the
sin. The most dangerous of this sin is fornication and adultery. The spirit
behind it is so powerful that it binds it victims to herself, it leads the
victims to self pity and destruction. It often leads to addiction and become very
hard for the victims to break out of the bondage.
I know of a brother who fasted for two weeks just
to be able to overcome the sin of fornication only to end up fornicating with a
female friend he was narrating his experience to the preceding day. Another
brother fornicated same day he was baptized, even with the same cloth he used
in baptism. The most pathetic one was another brother who fasted for one month,
and the day he ended the fasting his girlfriend came visiting which he ended up
fornicating with her. This brother out of bitter heart use knife to cut-off his
manhood and died in the process. The question is, can someone overcome such besetting
“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will
always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful
nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live
to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit” (Galatians
6:7-8, NLT).
“Do not be deceived: God
cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh,
from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from
the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:7-8, NIV).
What does Paul means by
this statement? Does he mean that salvation is earned by work of law? Does it mean that the death of Christ is
now in vain? Is salvation no longer earned by faith through grace?
Literal interpretation
of this verse of the bible will suffice to mean that salvation is earned or
merited by simply obeying, or keeping the law. Thus, those who do the work of
the law are the ones working in the spirit while those who live in grace now
walk in the flesh. Notice that King James Version, put verse 8 as, for he that
soweth to his flesh shall of flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the
spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6: 8 KJV).
Pray without ceasing.
{1 Thessalonians 5: 17}.
question is, why do we pray? How do we then pray to get expected result?
Prayer and studying God's word are the two greatest tools for accessing God's purpose for man, in fact you can neither hear or talk to God without prayer. Prayer is art of taking God's words back to him about his promises over our life, it is divine communion between man and God. The essence of prayer is to seek God divine intervention in our problems thereby getting answer to our needs; it show our dependence on God for solution to our problems.
Prayer and studying God's word are the two greatest tools for accessing God's purpose for man, in fact you can neither hear or talk to God without prayer. Prayer is art of taking God's words back to him about his promises over our life, it is divine communion between man and God. The essence of prayer is to seek God divine intervention in our problems thereby getting answer to our needs; it show our dependence on God for solution to our problems.
Unfortunately, most Christian
don't like to praying, some don't know how to pray, others don't know when to
pray, often pray amiss leading to many unanswered prayers. The manner we
approach the throne of grace determines the result we get. The following simple
steps will guide you to pray better.
The Ministry of God's Love: Loving like Christ
Love is the greatest
message of the gospel. In fact, Christianity is all about love. A righteous
Christian is a loving Christian and it takes only a loving Christian to make
heaven. He who does not Love does not
know God; for God is love. (1 John 4:8). The real definition of God is love
don't be deceived. Love is the heart beat of God,, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,,,, John
3:16. Love here come before giving, to be like God is to love like God and
to love like God is to love unconditional; ,,,in that while we are yet in sin Christ died for us (Roman 5:8). Go
and search your bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will not see where God
give condition for loving us.
God's kind of love is
the agape love - love without condition. Love to God is not feelings or
emotion, it is not about how you feel rather is about your action towards
something, it's obedience, it is character reflection . That is why Jesus says,
"if you love me keep my commandment" (John14:15). Keeping here means
obedience to God's commandment, not confession, neither feeling the presence;
obedience is better than sacrifice. The greatest commandment is the commandment
of love.
Do you not know that those who run
in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you
may win. (1 Corinthians 9:24).
What does
Paul mean by this verse? Does Paul mean
that there is only one winner in the Christian race? Does he mean that there are ways to run to
win the race? What exactly is he trying
to teach the Christian?
Paul in describing the Christian race uses two
illustrations: The runner and the fighter. Two things should come to our mind;
both a runner and a fighter aim to win in the game, hence both can be liking to
Christianity "fighting the good
fight of faith'' (2 Timothy 2:3; 1 Timothy 6:12).
Are You truly Living For Christ?
CORINTHIANS 5: 15.... And that he died for
all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto
him which died for them, and rose again.
The question is do you believe Christ died for
you and for all? Then if you believe, are you serving God or serving
yourselves? Christianity, or born again is not about us, but all about Christ,
He loved us first and died for us, so we love him back by living for him. It means
that our life is not our own. We have been bought with the price of Christ's
death and therefore are called to serve not self but Christ (1 Cor 6:19-20).
Freedom is an illusion. We like to think along the lines of William Ernest
Henley: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
The fact of the matter is that ours is to serve, not to be served. We can
either be serving Christ-making Him Lord of our life or we are serving ourselves
and making Christ our servant instead of our Lord. The difference is between
treating Christ as a houseguest and serving him as the house owner. Five things
can be inferred or summarized from this verse.
Understanding The Concept of Law And Grace
What do you understand by grace? Do grace nullify law? Does
it mean that "grace" has replaced "Law" and the
"Law" is discarded? Does Christ death actually abolished the Law, and
give people license to continue in sin? What does the Bible really say? What
then shall we do and teach others?
misconception of grace and law has thrown many into confusion, with varying
interpretations. Many preachers and teachers of the gospel has erroneously
mislead people to believe that grace has abolish the law, thereby giving them
licenses to live there life the way they like, without paying attention to moral code of conduct. That is why we have so many
unbelieving-believers in churches today. People going to hell from the church.
The meaning of grace:
Grace is the undeserving favor of God bestowed on mankind. Grace goes beyond
forgiving someone who rob and probably rape your wife in your presence, to
include giving the person job in your company with company car and allowance.
If someone offend you, and you forgive and forget you are just merciful, that
not grace. Grace is going beyond forgiving an offender to favor the person.
Moral Code of Conduct: The new Law
Does the Law
still apply only to the Jew? What is the purpose of the law? Does the Law still
apply to Christians today? Does Grace abolish the Law
Often there is a misconception by twenty
first century Christianity that the law was made for the Jews only and has
nothing to do with believers today. There is this believes that, Christ death
on the cross has abolished the law and that Christian only live in Grace, Free
from the law and its dictates to live as they like so long they believe in the
death of Christ.
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Christianity is beyond mere going to
church, and worshiping with others, as many suppose it to be. The word Christian
simply mean Christ-like that is to say, living like Christ. Today people are
deceiving themselves and not God, living the way they like, and yet, called
themselves Christ-like. Christ has its own values that he expect in us, as
displayed in the volume of him. I have identified ten virtues or value of a
born again Christian. These values/virtues
are extracted from the seven heavenly virtues: Prudence, justice, temperance,
courage; faith, hope and love.
Welcome to our new Community.
It is always great
opportunity to serve God, for by grace are we saved. You are all welcome to
this blessed community/family where all we know how to do is to please God. It
is a community of those that want to discover more about their purpose on
earth, those that want to discover more about who they really are in Christ
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