Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy way acknowledge him , and he shall direct thy paths. Proverb 3:5-6

The question is when do we say we trust God with all our heart? Does creativity entails leaning on our own understanding? How do we know we are actually trusting God with the whole of our heart?
The problem of man today is that we have fail to trust God with the totality of our heart. We seem to predict the move of God, and often think God has a different plan for us about what he said. When God said to Abram I will make thee father of multitude of nations { Genesis 17:4-6}, he simply trust God with the whole of his heart, though it was delayed but God bring it to pass. Elijah trust God that he is able to supply all his need and all through his stay in the wilderness, he was fed by raven { 1 King 17:6}.

Imagine what happen between Elijah and the prophet of baal { 1 King 18}, it was because Elijah trust God to answer him when he called that made him to be making the fun of the prophet of baal. What about King Jehoshaphat, who God commanded to only organize singer to render praise to him instead of going to war with their enemy {2 Chronicles 20}. Though, it does not make sense but he trust God and God slaughter all his enemy. Time will fail us to keep on mentioning, cases of people who trust on God and God never fail them. 

We trust God in other to overcome the four greatest problem of man; anxiety (celebrating challenges even at the detriment of God as if we can change the situation by worries. Philippians 4: 6-7), Fear (This have made so many to die before their time, has made countless people to remain in a state of perpetual poverty. Matt. 10:28, 2 Corr. 5:11, Heb. 12:28-29), Doubt (People start doubting what God said about them, thereby limiting God hands over there situation Isaiah 40:27-28, Mark 4:38-40, 1 Peter 1:6), and Unbelief (all the miracle Jesus did as recorded in the bible was accorded to people belief which was counted to them as faith. So we hear the master often says, "your faith has made thee whole" Mark 9:22-23). 

Trusting God with our whole heart means believing what God said about us that he is able to do them all. Number 23:19 says, "God is not man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? The truth of the matter is that whatever God said he will do he will surely bring it to pass to them that believe, though it might tarry, but he will surely do it.

It is however noted that, trusting God does not prevent our own creativity, rather we trust God that his ability in us is sufficient to empower us to do the un-imaginable. Philippians 4:13 says, for I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. So trusting God will empower you to leave your shell, safety place and go out there dominate and rule. We are created in his image, so we therefore has creative ability like our father. If you believe what the bible says that as a man think so he is{Proverb 23:7}, then you will start believing God's ability to deliver you no matter the situation.

Verse 6, gave us a clear understanding of what it entail not to lean on our own understanding. In all thy way acknowledge him , and he shall direct thy paths. If you can only humble yourself and take whatever the case maybe to God in prayer, then he shall direct your path. God is still in the business of answering prayer, and ever willing to answer our prayers only if we can trust him and ask him to help us. Majority of us fails to pray this days because we feel we can solve all our problem, we attribute all our success to our wisdom, skills, intelligence, diligence, that is pride my friend have you forgotten to remember that God said in Isaiah 48:17,, Am the Lord your God,, which teaches thee to profit and which lead you the way you should go.

You can't simply get anything without God enabling you to get it, so whatever you have is a gift, and if it is a gift why boast with it as if is not a gift 1 Corr 4:7. My dear, whatever God has spoken concerning you, he has the capacity and resources to bring it to pass if only you can believe. Trust on God no matter how hard it is to trust him, trust him even at the point of death. His foolishness is wiser than our wisdom (I corr. 1:25). Remember, without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that come to God must come believe, that he is and that he is the rewarder of the that diligently seek him. Hebrew 11:6

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