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Humility equals
greatness, the fastest road to greatness is humility. Many like me believes
that pride is a sin associated with public bragging to seeing oneself better
than others. Little did I know that arrogance goes beyond public bragging, so I
was thinking am very humble and devoid of pride, until I understand what it
take to be humble. Humility sees ones not in any way better than others,
humility sees others weakness as part of life as no man without weakness.
Humility goes beyond gentleness.
Someone can actually
not be troublesome, often quiet, but yet nurse pride in His heart. So pride
which is the opposite of Humility is the root of all sin. Every other sin was
originated from pride, in fact sin came to the world through pride. Time will
not permit me to focus on pride in this write-up but will do justice to it in the
part 2 of this article. So my interest will be more on humility and how it
leads to greatness.
example of Humility: Jesus Christ showed us what it takes to
be humble (Philippians 2: 5- 8), Christ being
God left His glory in heaven and reduce Himself as mere man in order to save
you and me. I don't think you know what it takes for God to take the human
form, a limited and fallen world, a world full of struggle and pains. Can you imagine yourself turning into Dog,
cat or any other pet, in order to save the same pet. That is what it take Jesus
to come in the fallen human form in order to save man. His death showed us the greatest love story ever.
you ever imagined the kind of humility that Christ displayed, He was given
birth in the manger, a place where animal eat and sleep, what kind of humility
is this? Even though He was God He considered it as nothing. Or you think that
it was a mistake, maybe He did not know He will be giving birth by that time.
Jesus wanted to Showed us that greatness is not about where you were born or
where you came from rather, it is thing of the mind. If you read the gospel
very well you see Jesus practical example of Humility. He is often engaged in
washing the disciple feet, serving them among others.
Paul talking to the
church says, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ, in order word
let this humility, unselfishness, sacrificial love, be in you that was in
Christ. He bids us mind (Roman 8:5)
the things which the Lord Jesus minded, to love what he loved, to hate what he
hated; the thoughts, desires, motives, of the Christian should be the thoughts,
desires, motives, which filled the sacred heart of Jesus Christ our Lord. We
must strive to imitate him, to reproduce his image, not only in the outward,
but even in the inner life.
teachings on Humility: And
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, “Teacher,
we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” And he said to them, “What do
you want me to do for you?” And they said to him, “Grant us to sit, one at your
right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” Jesus said to them, “You do
not know what you are asking. Are you
able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with
which I am baptized?” And they said to him, “We are able.” And Jesus said
to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and with the baptism with which
I am baptized, you will be baptized, but to sit at my right hand or at my left
is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” And
when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John.
And Jesus called them to him and
said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles
lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it
shall not be so among you. But whoever
would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among
you must be slave of all (Mark 10:35-44).
Jesus made it clear and straight that if you must be great
you must be humble-servant, you must learn to serve others, you must learn to
carry the burden of others. If you want to be greater than others learn how to
serve them, serve others not because you are employed to do that but because,
you want to show them how much you love them. Serving your colleagues, people
of same qualification, age mate, religions, friends and family name them can be
quite challenging a times because man by
nature is selfish animals. But you must serve them to be great and elevated.
Most people see themselves as accomplished when they see
people worshiping, respecting and honoring them. People feels achievement is
measured by the number of people that greet you sir or ma; or that respect and
regard you. When you see what you are suppose to do and you are waiting for
your colleagues or friends to do them, then you are not humble at all. That is
why you are complaining up and down about your service to God. I hear people
say, " Am I the only person in this house, church, department" you
are not humble my friend. When you are humble like Christ you will be willing
to serve others. What humility
Humility recognizes that everything we have was not a
product of merit rather God's kindness: humility
agrees and is glad that God gets all the credit for choosing us and calling us
according to his purposes, not our merit. And he does this “so that no human being might boast in the
presence of God,” but that the one who boasts might boast in the Lord. (1 Corr. 1:26-31). Humility agrees that
to be born again; being God's child and living for Christ is a gift out of
God's abundant kindness. (Eph. 2:8-9).
So if you must boast of anything boast about who God is and His loving kindness
towards you. Not looking down on those who lives after the world. Nothing you have is because of chance or
luck. it's all due to God's abundance grace and favor.
Humility agrees that everything we have is a free gift from
God: What do you have that you did not
receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive
it? (1 Corr. 4:7). Humility agrees
and is glad that everything we have is a free gift of God, thereby rooting the
spirit of boasting in our ability. Whatever talents, whatever intelligence,
whatever skills, whatever gifts, whatever looks, whatever pedigree, whatever
possessions, whatever wit, whatever influence you have, put away all pride
because it is a gift from God. What is it that you achieve that is not
because God permit it, is it by your effort? Are you healthy because of your
carefulness? You think is because of your prayers? Many prayer warriors are in
the grave, many intellects, talented persons, skilled, God fearing persons are in
the grave, and you are there bragging as if is your making, a mere dust like
A humble heart sees offence as part of life and quick to
forgive: Put on then, as God’s chosen ones,
holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and
patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another,
forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. ( Coll.
3: 12-13). A humble heart sees
people offence as their own weakness and forgive them before they ask for
forgiveness. A pride person want everybody to be like them even if they have
bad characters. Give others breathing space, if you must correct others let it
be out of love not because you see them as weak, incompetent. Humble yourself
to forgive people when they err so that God will even forgives you your sins.
Or you think you don't wrong God. The thought of you being a good person is sin
of pride already.
Humility means being dead to oneself
and Living for Christ: And that he died for
all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto
him which died for them, and rose again. (
2 Corr. 5:15). We have been bought with the price of Christ's death and therefore
are called to serve not self but Christ (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Now that you know you
have been bought with a price through Christ death. You are expected to live
for Christ by expressing your love for him. This can be expressed by not
seeking to please our own honor,
profit, pleasure.
Humility entails you allowing others to lead even when you know
you are better than they. Humility allows you to
learn something even from the smallest, novice among you. Is pride to look down
on people, I knows it all, is pride. This things are happening even among the
brethren, If is not you that is preaching then it is useless, if is not you
that leads the prayer, worship, praises then it is rubbish. You need repentance,
you can't even allow others to leads for few days, how do you want them to
grow? You should be humble enough to know that you are not better than anyone
else but wise enough to know you are unique and different from others.
Humility is not mediocrity, humility does not mean self pity or low self
esteem, it does not mean powerless. In fact, humility is strength and power.
Reduce yourself to the dust so that God can elevate you to heaven. Man don't
exalt himself, only God exalt man. ,,,, God resisteth the proud, but giveth
grace unto the humble ( James 4: 6).
Thanks for this wonderful message. Am blessed and pray that God give me grace to put it into practice.